ZEvA International

Since the beginning of the Bologna Process, external quality assurance in higher education has always had a strong international dimension. Like universities, quality assurance agencies increasingly extend their activities across national borders, contributing to the building of the EHEA by ensuring and promoting quality in higher education.

From its very beginnings, ZEvA has been at the forefront of this development. Since 1995, the agency has been actively involved in international networks and is a founding member of

  • The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
  • The European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA)
  • The Joint Quality Initiative (JQI)

The agency is also listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).

Due to this strong international focus, ZEvA is frequently commissioned to carry out quality assurance projects in other European and non-European countries. In detail, we offer the following services to higher education institutions abroad:

  • Accreditation of Study Programs (ZEvA Quality Seal)
  • Institutional Accreditation
  • Quality Audits in Austria
  • European Internationalisation Certificate (ECA)
  • Accreditation of Joint Programmes (based on German regulations or the “European Approach”)

In all assessment procedures, ZEvA applies methods and criteria which are firmly rooted in the common European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ESG). This framework has also gained wide acceptance by higher education institutions outside Europe. It is our central task to monitor adherence to these international standards while accounting for the individual needs of each higher education institution.

In December 2016, the European Quality Assurance Register (eqar)Eqarhas explicitly confirmed that ZEvA’s international accreditation procedures are in line with the ESG (2015).

The project officers of our international department are bi- or multilingual and familiar with working in international settings. They provide all-round support to their clients throughout the assessment procedure.