Affiliations and Partners


The “European Consortium for Accreditation” (ECA) currently has 15 members from 11 countries. All members of ECA are quality assurance agencies that undertake accreditation or accreditation-like procedures. In the year 2003, ZEvA was one of the founding organizations of ECA.

ECA is a professional organisation that strives for continuous progress in the area of accreditation and external quality assurance, facilitates mutual recognition of qualifications, promotes internationalisation of higher education and creates transparency in QA to the benefit of students, HE institutions and society.

For more information please visit the ECA website:


ZEvA has been a full member of the “European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education“ (ENQA) since the year 2000. ENQA is the most important European umbrella organisation for agencies and other organizations concerned with quality assurance in higher education.

For more information please visit the ENQA website:


The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) was established by ENQA and other stakeholder organisations in 2008. The register is meant to enhance trust among agencies, create transparency regarding external quality assurance and to increase confidence in European higher education.

To be listed in EQAR, agencies must prove that they work in compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) at all levels. To this end, they must undergo an external review procedure at least every five years.

For more information please visit the EQAR website:


Since 2014, ZEvA has organized international accreditation procedures in co-operation with the Russian agency AKKORK. AKKORK is an independent non-profit organisation and a full member of ENQA.

For more information please go to the AKKORK website:


For several years, ZEvA has been contributing to seminars offered by the German Academic Exchange Service for university faculty and administrative staff. In June 2016, there will be a one-day seminar dedicated exclusively to the accreditation and quality assurance of joint programmes.

More information and registration at


In December 2021 ZEvA and the Moldovan QA agency ANACEC closed a cooperation agreement for the purpose of establishing a cooperative relationship in the field of quality assurance and evaluation in higher education, in order to jointly promote international quality standards in Germany and in the Republic of Moldova. The agreement is an outcome of the 2021 CEENQA staff exchange programme in which both agencies had participated.