Internationalisation Certificate (ECA)

ZEvA is one of 14 partners from 11 countries participating in the CeQuInt project consortium.

The CeQuInt project has developed a methodology to assess the quality of internationalisation in higher education. The overall aim of the project partners is to assess and reward internationalisation, with a view to both enhancement and excellence.

The project partners have developed a framework that can be used to assess the internationalisation of a programme or an institution. If completed successfully, the assessment procedure leads to the award of a European Certificate for Internationalisation. The Certificate is intended to confirm that a programme or an institution has successfully incorporated an international and intercultural dimension into the purpose, function and delivery of its education.

The project consortium has tested the developed methodology in pilot procedures across Europe.

The assessment procedure gives HE programmes and institutions insight into their performance in the domain of internationalisation and provides them with the means for improvements so that they can increase their competitiveness. The Certificate also contributes to a considerable improvement in transparency of internationalisation in HE, which is beneficial for students, HE institutions and society. The project incorporates a strong European dimension and enhances coherence.

For more information on CeQuIn and the Certificate, please contact Anja Grube at or take a look at the ECA website: