Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency

Welcome to ZEvA!

Evaluation and accreditation in teaching and learning, higher education governance and management are ZEvA’s main fields of activity. Since 1995, we have also been active in the field of quality assurance in higher education. In this context we have successfully cooperated with higher education institutions in Germany, Europe and beyond.

Transparency, reliable procedures, comprehensive professional support and high competence in the evaluation of teaching, learning and quality assurance contribute to the high quality of ZEvA’s evaluation procedures.

Lilienthalstraße 1
30179 Hannover

Tel. + 49 (0) 511 54 355 - 701 or -702
Fax + 49 (0) 511 54 355 - 999


Solidarity with Ukraine

Along with its partners across Europe, ZEvA is looking at the current events in Ukraine with great concern. As a European quality assurance agency, we have always been committed to the values of democracy, trust, international co-operation and peacekeeping. These ideas provide the basis for the European Higher Education Area and are thus a central prerequisite of our work.

We now see these goals and core values fundamentally violated by the Russian military attack on Ukraine. We hereby declare our full solidarity with the people and government of Ukraine in their struggle for political autonomy. Our thoughts are with our Ukrainian colleagues and partners in numerous joint projects and our European networks and associations whose lives are under immediate threat. We offer them all help and support that we can possibly provide.

We will also do everything in our power to support the existing democratic forces in Russia which we have come to know through many QA procedures at Russian higher education institutes over the last couple of years. However, we see ourselves unable to conduct any further activities in the Russian Federation until the war in Ukraine has ended. At present it is impossible to say if and when we will be able to resume our work in Russia. This will very much depend on the general political developments in the months ahead. We sincerely regret this, but with a view to the current situation we see no alternatives.

Our hopes are set on a swift return of peace and on the continuation of our fruitful co-operation with our friends and colleagues in Ukraine.