About ZEvA

Evaluation and accreditation in teaching and learning, higher education governance and management are ZEvA’s main fields of activity. Since 1995, we have also been active in the field of quality assurance in higher education, on which we have successfully cooperated with higher education institutions in Germany, Europe and beyond.

The success of our work is ensured by experienced project officers and a large number of nationally and internationally renowned experts. Currently, our database comprises more than 1.500 higher education teachers from all academic disciplines who have contributed their expertise to our evaluation and accreditation procedures.

Since the year 2000, ZEvA has accredited more than 3,000 study programs at universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of cooperative education. The procedures for national accreditations applied by ZEvA are based on the regulations formulated by the German federal states and on the “European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area” for international procedures. Repeatedly, ZEvA has been subject to external evaluation and reaccreditation by the Accreditation Council, most recently in 2016.

Among ZEvA’s boards and organizational bodies are the office in Hanover with approximately 15 staff and its standing committees, the ZEvA-Commission (ZEKo), responsible for all accreditations, international procedures and certifications, and the Standing Evaluation Commission (SEK), whose members coordinate the evaluation procedures.

Transparency, reliable procedures, the best possible professional support and the competent assessment of teaching, learning and quality assurance contribute to the high standard of the external evaluation services provided by ZEvA. Our work is based on a process-oriented and formalized quality assurance system which guarantees for efficient procedures and adherence to schedules.

ZEvA contributes significantly to the advancement of quality assurtance procedures through its participation in national and international co-operations. ZEvA is a founding member of the European Consortium of Accreditation (ECA) and ENQA (European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) and is listed in the European Quality Agency Register (EQAR). Also, the agency participated in the Joint Quality Initiative (JQI), which, among other things, has developed common European quality criteria for Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD programmes (BaMa-descriptors)

For further information see „English Self-Portrayal of ZEvA