The ZEvA Commission (ZEKo)

The ZEvA-Commission (ZEKo) handles national programme and systems accreditations and certifications as well as international quality assurance procedures in higher education, such as accreditations, audits, evaluations, certifications etc. Different stakeholder groups (academia, quality assurance, professionals, students) are represented in the commission, which unites special expertise in external quality assurance and sound international experience.
The ZEKo takes the final decision in all international accreditation, audit, evaluation and certification procedures. Furthermore, the members of the commission contribute to the development of guidelines and manuals and function as consultants to the ZEvA staff in all international matters.
The Commission comprises 20 members:

  • The academic director of ZEvA as head of the commission
  • eight representatives of universities and universities of applied sciences from four different areas of study (humanities and cultural studies; mathematics and natural sciences; engineering; economic, social and legal sciences)
  • three representatives of different areas of study at universities of applied sciences (economic and social sciences; engineering and architecture, natural and life sciences)
  • two representatives of the areas of fine arts, design and music
  • two representatives of quality management in higher education
  • two representatives of professional practice, representing both employers and employees
  • two student representatives from universities and universities of applied sciences


The meetings of the commission are arranged according to the schedules of the external reviews. The commission meets 4 times per year, in February, April/May, July and November.


    Composition of the ZEvA Commission (ZEKo) for the period 2018 - 2020

    Engineering|Prof. Dr. Manfred Hampe (TU Darmstadt)|Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Awiszus (TU Chemnitz)
    Mathematics and Natural Sciences|Prof. Dr. Georg Thomas Groth (Uni Düsseldorf)|Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Jacobsen (Uni Hannover)
    Legal Economic and Social Sciences|Prof. Dr. Klaus Schäfer (Uni Bayreuth)|Prof. Dr. Ursula Walkenhorst (Uni Osnabrück)
    Humanities and Cultural Studies|Prof. Dr. Charlotte Schubert (Uni Leipzig)|Prof. Dr. Kirsten Kramer (Uni Bielefeld)
    <b>Universities of Applied Sciences</b>||
    Engineering and Architecture|Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schmehmann (HS Osnabrück)
    Economic and Social Sciences|Prof. Dr. Gustav Rückemann (SRH HS Heidelberg)
    Natural and Life Sciences|Prof. Dr. Asta Richter (TH Wildau)
    <b>Fine Arts, Design and Music</b>||
    Music|Prof. Dr. Marianne Betz (HMT Leipzig)
    Fine Arts and Design|Prof. Martina Glomb (HS Hannover)
    <b>Professional Practice</b>||
    |Dr. Anke-Peggy Holtorf (Health Outcomes Strategies GmbH)
    |Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schöler (Deutscher Bundestag)
    <b>Quality Assurance in Higher Education</b>||
    |Prof. Dr. Madalena Pires da Fonseca (Agência de Avaliacao do Ensino Superior - A3ES)
    |Christian Eibl (Uni Augsburg)
    Fachhochschule|Vera Karner (HS Fulda)